Friday, August 14, 2015

When God seems quiet ....

 I have pondered a thought for several days now , about when God seems quite when we are praying .... 
      I have been praying earnestly about something dear to me for sometime now. I recently had a conversation with a very dear friend about her preparing for our up coming ladies meeting ! She told me she had prayed and prayed but the Lord has not shown her what she needed yet .... I responeded to her with this , sometimes God needs us to take our hands off of it and let Him handle it on His time .... We prayed and I encouraged her, also reminded her that God has something awesome for her .... It was two days later I received a text and she shares God has woken her up with one of the most amazing lessons for her to teach in her heart !!!! She reminded me that often the Teacher is quite during a test .... Because He wants to see what you will do .... 
I shouted my living room down !!! 
Wow I had truly been here before .... Praying for an answer and God was quite! My ohh my .... Did He show up when He seen my obedience to follow Him even into the unknown ! 
I did some cleaning out today .... Cleaned some closets up .... Turned a closet into a sewing area .... After I stood back and looked at the transformation .... It sent shivers up my spine when I felt my Dad whisper in my heart ! Just imagine the transformation I see in you when I look at you .... I knew then my prayers weren't going unheard or unanswered . He's teaching me something ..... I know He has my answer .... So I will praise Him in the Hallway !!! While I wait for His answer !!!!! 
Thanks for stopping by ! 
💖 Shellie