A life of Faith

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I will never ever forget that day at the age of 15 when on my bedroom floor I asked Jesus in my heart ! All I could think is that if I die today I want to wake up in the arms of Jesus !!! I will never forget then and there Jesus delivered me from a life of witchcraft and Satanism .... I am not proud of where I came from ... However I am certainly proud to say that I am a child of a king !!! I love Butterflies they have been a constant reminder that I am a new creation in Christ !!! That each and everyday He is still changing me ... making me the beautiful Christian He wants me to be !!!

It was then and there that I began my journey through a life of faith ... choosing to follow God and not the world ... That's not always the easy thing or the popular thing .... I know in my heart though my eternal reward will make it all well worth it ...

I am so thankful for a loving God who love me unconditionally even when I mess up He still wants me !!! I am still His child !!! and nothing or no one can take that away !!! What about you do you have that ??? are you a child of a king ??? have you asked Jesus in your heart ??? Do you know if you closed your eyes in death where you wake ??? If not it's easy ... please take time to read how to have that same assurance I have !!! Its the most important decision you will ever make !!!

The Bible teaches we all can go to heaven !!! But there are four things we must know first ...

1.We are all sinners

For all have sinned and came short of the glory of God Romans  3:23

2. There is a penalty for our sins

For the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23

3.Christ paid your penatly By dieing on the cross for us

But God commendeth His love toward us , in that while we were yet sinner, Christ died for us ... Romans 5:8

4. Pray and receive Christ !!!

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved ... Romans 10:13
I know what your thinking !!! I am good person and I haven't done anything to awful bad ... Friend sin is sin whether it be a lie or murder ... we will stand and give an account for what we have done .. only difference between me and you is I am forgiven !!!! so can you !!! all you have to do is pray and ask and you shall receive !!! are you ready to pray ? if so please say this prayer ! 
Dear Jesus ! I know I am a sinner and with out you I will open my eyes in hell !!! and you alone can forgive me of my sins and wash me whiter than snow ! Make me a new creation in you !!! I believe you died on the cross just for me so I can be forgiven so I can spend eternity with you ! Please come into my heart and save !!! forgive me of all my sins ... Help me to be all I can for you ! In Jesus name I pray Amen !!!
If you prayed that prayer , may I say welcome to the family of God !!! Please let me know !!! I want to rejoice in your new life of faith with you !!!!
Many Blessings Shellie 

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