Why We Homeschool

I have to say first and for most that my family home school because I feel it is what God has called my family to do !!! Its an honor to have the privilege to do so ! I haven't always home schooled although my husband would have liked for me to do so I just didn't see it his way at first ... It all began my daughters 2nd grade of Elementary School she developed a heart condition ... That required surgery ... It seemed as if every time she sneezed that they were calling us to come to the school ... this made for a miserable child and Mommy for that matter ... All she wanted was to be like everyone else . She wasn't allowed to attend field trips with out me most days they didn't even want her to play on the play ground ... after a lot of prayer we decided to that the best move for her would be to place her in a Christian private school . It seemed as if it was the perfect plan ! I got a job as the pre-school teacher . My youngest would still be with me and I would now be with my oldest or at least in the same building .... School went well for the first few months then my oldest started showing problems with her heart again after another surgery and  a miracle for God the heart was finally ok. However her asthma had became really bad and became increasingly worse each day. It eventually led to her Drs placing her as a home bound student . NC does not require for private education to send a teacher to your home ... So I quit my job and so our home school journey began ... I wouldn't change a moment of it ... even the hard days ! I love the fact that I am not only teaching my girls but I am also making memories with them each day as well !!! I have the ability to keep God in the center of my school day !!! But most of all I can raise the bar and teach them to be more !!! Its not all about the college but what does God want to do with their life ? I can nurture that calling equip them with what they will need to follow through with that calling ... It also allows me to spend the extra time needed for my youngest has a learning disability ... Sometime we may need to teach it more than once to make sure it sticks and that is ok !!! I get to see the beautiful young women God has nurtured them into being ... I can encourage that it's ok not to grow up so fast that it's ok to still want to play if you like .... It's ok to be different being different sometimes is an awesome thing ! The pressures of the world are a part of our life but not in the same intensity as it is for others .... We are socialized well rounded family ... we are apart of a wonderful home school group ... with a group of Moms who support each other !!! I will be graduating my oldest daughter early !!! She will be a High School Graduate by the end of October !!! She will graduate with her CNA license and a honor student !!! I am beyond proud of her !!! My youngest will be entering 7th grade this year ... I wouldn't change the fact we can choose something she enjoys and turn it into school and still have fun .... Over the past few years I have developed some health issues ... It made me realize that I have a gift others don't always get to have ... time with the two gifts God gave me to raise ... to teach in the way they should go .... I have nothing against public school ... Some families have no choice ... Both parents must work ... or they don't feel lead .... each person has to decide what is best for their family ... This is what is best for mine ... I would like to end with this thought ! That those who home school should never down someone who sends there kids to public school ... However that is a two way street ... You should never talk about those who home school ... Those who home school have just chosen a different path than others ... in my case I know that is what God has called me to do with my girls... countless hours of making memories and teaching them that I will never regret ... they are perfectly socialized and beautiful from the inside out .... all I ask is if you don't agree with those choices don't say things that can tear down or harm what a home school Mom or a public school Mom is teaching their child ... We should all strive to lift up all teachers home school and public school a like ... After all we all are doing what we feel is best for our kids ....

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