Monday, August 1, 2016


I'm so sorry I been gone for so long again ! That was not what I have intended to do at all ! Life has been busy and different ... Trying to find my groove again and realizing that this may be my new normal, well it's tiring ... So I hope you will bear with me. There has not been any real change or answers .... We have decide that whatever God decides we will call it a blessing and be happy no matter what! 
    The only changes we have heard from the doctors as of right now is there has been a huge effect on my liver due to some of the meds... It's now importance to loose weight and I will have to return my clean eating diet... However that's not a bad thing ... I am blessed to have another day! I want to be here to see all the amazing things God has for this life He's given me and the milestones of my family ! So as hard as it was I was able to walk a mile today.... That's extremely hard for someone who's heart rate is all over the place and oxygen levels are to low at times .... However God gave me strength ! He promises that We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength !( Phillipians 4:13) 
 So this journey is a day by day journey... We will see where God leads .... My beautiful family is gonna rally with me on this ! Of course if we want to have a treat we can .... After all we only live this life once...
      We actually just returned from a much needed week of vacation at the beach! This has been one of my favorite vacations we have ever taken ! We didn't really do a whole lot , except spend time together as a family! We played cards at night...Jody and the girls went to the pool or beach some during the day ... I would go as I felt like it ! On Friday we rented a resort umbrella and stayed on the beach all day that day for the most part... We went shopping one day! I was able to walk the Tanger outlets with the assistance of my oxygen ! However by the time we made it to Broadway at the beach I was too tired and my hubby rented me a scooter so the girls could enjoy their shopping in the 104 degree weather lol! We went for ice cream and really just enjoyed each other ! I never once felt overwhelmed or frustrated with my limitations .... I felt blessed with the opportunity to make new memories and have the modern convinces I have today! To make it a lil easier .... 
  God is an amazing God ! I just want Him to know I thank Him for all blessings big and small ! 

I am gonna have to take my own advice ... Remind myself the size of my jeans does not make me pretty or what others think either ! It's the  unique creation  God made when He made me that makes me beautiful ! So with that being said I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from our vacation ...
Please continue to pray for me on this journey... I can't help but quote my favorite verses each day as when I need a boast of encouragement ....
But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not faint!
 He is enough each and everyday !!!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures below! More than anything thanks for stopping by and your prayers ! 
                                             The view from our balcony
                                        Our first full morning at the beach

                                My girls favorite breakfast of all time !!!
I felt like Mav from Hotel Transylvania 2 hehehe here ! It was like I was sacred of the sun light !

                                                On our way to Tanger
                       No beach trip would be complete if Christian didn't get a heana tattoo

                                                     Beach reading material

                                         Under the umbrella still wearing my hat lol
                                                     I could stay here for forever 
                                                                 My beautiful girls 
                                             I'm so blessed God choose them to be mine 
                                                      Love this man beyond words ....
            Never be ashamed of your battle ...  You never know who your inspiring .......