Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sorry it has been awhile ! I have been very busy making memories over the holidays with my family !!!! We haven't started school back , we plan to next week !!! I spent the day today crafting with my Mom , Sister , and my youngest Daughter . I was reflecting back over 2013 while we were spending time together .... I lost and gained allot in 2013 .... I learned many lessons ... Some easy many hard ! One thing I did realize today that we don't slow down often enough to spend time with one another .... What are we teaching our kids ???? That all things should be spent doing on the run ... never slowing down to enjoy the moment and make true memories with our loved ones ! We just surpassed the one year anniversary of my oldest sisters death ....There were many times we didn't make time to spend with one another making precious memories .... Then there were those times we did , those were the jewels and precious stones that I would never trade ! Just wish there were more ..... So as I was praying last night spending time with Jesus its like He spoke to me even then that we should teach our children to make time for one another .... Teach them the true joy of life isn't in the things we gain from worldly things .... The true joy comes from the simplest things .... Such as a craft day in your Moms kitchen laughing .....


  1. :) This is so true! Our lives are so busy that we fail to take time to do these things! I miss you, hope to get to spend some quality time together soon now that the holidays are over and everyone is well.. praying they will stay that way! Love you!

  2. Thank you for the reminders Mrs. Shellie, I am going to try and make phone calls to those special people in my life that their Joy comes from just hearing a kind voice. Mrs. Stacy you are also right, we let ourselves get to busy to enjoy the things we should be doing. Change is going on here, I will fall short but effort is a big part of it. Love ya!
