Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I am so sorry it has been awhile since our last update ! Our family had had alot on our plates the past month ! My husbands sweet Grandma graduated into eternity just a few short weeks ago ! Also The Lord has shown our family it was time to step out in faith ! So we resigned the church we have been apart of for the past 6 1/2 yrs ! 
It has been an emotional time for our little family ! Even though this has been a sad time for us, We are excited about the adventure the Lord is leading us on !!! 
So Our family will be packing our home up preparing for our move ! Much like the Ingalls !!! I didn't realize when we started the primer that the Lord was preparing us for our own journey ! I just wanted those who followed our Prairie School Days we haven't quit ! We have just took a break !We should be back to Prairie School around the second week of March ! 
I look forward to sharing our journey in the future !