Friday, May 2, 2014

Plum creek day 8

 Chapters 22 & 23

Today we opened with devotion and prayer !Our devotion today was all about not seeking revenge against those who wrong us ! This was a fitting topic for us since our family has been dealing with some bullying issues .... Our Scripture came for many sources so I am going to list our resources so you can look them up for yourself in the Bible !  Proverbs 25:21-22 ; 14:22 ; 20:22 ; 14:22 ; 6:16 ; 10:23 ; 24:17-18 ; 26:18-19 ; Romans 12:19 ; Mathew 18:22 ! I know this allot however the Lord has allot to say about vengeance's being His !!! Laura wanted to seek revenge against Nellie for embarrassing her and being very mean to her at her party ! Even one of the other guest suggested that Laura should have smacked Nellie ... Laura replied that she need not worry she would get her back just wait and see ... Laura was true to her word and did just that ! This led us to discuss what the Lord has to say about the things !!! Its wrong to seek revenge !we should pray for our enemies !We discussed how the Lord would deal with them and in the mean time kindness from us would hurt worse than any action we could retaliate back with !        
 I truly loved our chapters today !!! Nellie hosted a party for the girls at school to attend ! It was a great deal to be invited to such an event !Ma bathed the girls Saturday morning dressed them in fresh clean dresses and ribbons!The girls were in aw of the Olsen's home !!!! The luxuries they have that the Ingalls didn't have captivated Laura !!!The girls were invited to play in Nellie's room ! They were astounded at the little Noh's ark play set , the little toy soldiers , & Nellie's porcelain doll.
 It wasn't till after Nellie brought out a box holding her wax doll that Laura was in total aw at what her eyes were seeing ! When her hand reached out to touch her blue dress ! It was then Nellie screamed at Laura for touching her doll ! Laura was so embarrassed she sat in a chair looking at books till it was time for cake and lemonade ....
 The girls were at their very best ! Using etiquette and manners during their visit !!!!One thing I remember most is that at this point in Laura's life she had never tasted lemonade ! I loved her description !!! The following Saturday Ma let Laura and Mary throw a party at their house ! All the girls came from school including Nellie !!! Ma scrubbed the floors and shined he windows ! The girls enjoyed showing the girls their home ! Everyone loved it ! Everyone was mannerly except for Nellie ! She was very rude to Ma and told her that she didn't wear her best dress to a country party ... This made Laura seek revenge ! I wont spoil what she did !However I had to chuckle ! Ma set the table with her very best white table cloth, placed a blue pitcher full of flowers in the center of the table, and she served vanity cakes and cool cream ! Their party was a great success ...
 We had an awesome school day !!! We had our spelling test ! We are finishing up our Fanny Crosby book ! It has been amazing ! We made our own vanity cakes ! They weren't what I expected !!! They were fun to make though ! We will be planning a tea party of our own in a few weeks to brush up on our etiquette and manners ! We are excited this will be our first tea in our new house !We both feel like Nellie is a bully .... Sissy made a no bullying poster !We had an amazing day !I would like to end on a personal note ! Be aware of whats going on in your child's life !The words of others can lead to life changing things ... Eating disorders and suicidal thoughts are just two of the things that can stem from bullying .... Spread the word to stop this behaviour and encourage your child to open up and let you know if they are o wittiness some one else being bulled! As always thanks for sharing your day with us !