Friday, September 5, 2014

early morning talks lead to hope

I woke up early this morning after my sweet husband left to do somethings at the church .... I took advantage of the quite around me ! The girls are all still asleep my Grandmaw is still resting ... I headed outside to feed the chickens ! That's when the talk to began !!! 
My sweet Jesus started speaking peace to my spirit ! It was weary from sleeping on the loveseat so my Grandmaw could have my bed .... From the dreams that I had chased away again all night .... My physical and spiritual me is exhausted ...
So when He spoke I listened so eager to commune with Him this morning and He whispered HOPE ! He reminded me that the house was still quite that I should return inside and spend time with Him in His word ! He had Hope for me ! 
So I did just that I brewed some coffee set down with the Word of God and listened to what he had to say to me ...
He spoke to me from Psalm 62:5 
He reminded me HE alone is where MY HOPE comes from !!! Not man or wordly thing, just Him !!! I really needed to hear those words this morning ! 
He has my back ! He will be fighting my battles ! I just have to let Him !!! Hand it over and say have it !!! I have done just that !!!
I look forward to a day of joy !!!
I love when the house is still and I get to have a early morning talk with my savior !!! 
So I have decided that I am going to set a goal to rise before anyone else does in the morning so I can have these early morning talks with my Savior !
Please help me pray I can do this !!!
Many of you may have woken up fighting a battle ! It's never to late for a walk and talk with Jesus !!! He wants to carry your burdens .... Let Him !!! The day is so much better when we let Him lead !!!
Remember that this is the day the hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it !!!
Praying each of you have an amazingly blessed day !


  1. Yes they do! The time with God in the mornings seems to be the times I can feel God the closest. I love you, I got your text I'm praying! I'll write back when I get my phone back lol, Stephen uses it to run since its got music on it. I love you to the moon and back again!

  2. Quiet time is the best time to snuggle up close and feel his presence, and let God hug us up close and tell us all will be well in Him. Its strange how I just now seen this and yesterday's sermon and Sunday school lesson was on HOPE. God lines things up for us all the time. Can we be like the Shunammite Woman and say "ALL IS WELL" I know that I struggle with that and that is when I am glad I have Psalms 71:14, a hope that is continual, that All will be well.
