Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wow sorry it's been so long ! Yikes


Where has the time gone ! I didn't even realize it had been that long ! I'm so sorry ...My I have had lots going on ! I started my book I am so excited ! I love what I have so far ! I haven't really kicked off my sewing completely .... I did a t shirt quilt and some memory bears ! Then I got really sick ! I have been on  bed rest for about a month all together then had my appendix removed ! Gods been good through it all, surgery was a scary thought for me !  He seen me right through and now I'm on the road to  recovery ! Slow going but getting there !!! I had forgotten how much I love blogging ! 
     It's almost that time here homeschool time ! We have already picked out out curriculiam for this year and if the mail cooperates it will be here by Saturday ! I am excited with our choices and ready to get lesson plans together! Crazy thing our official start date is weeks away ! We are taking a much needed family vacation in September ! I can't wait !!!! It's seems like it's been forever since we unplugged and just enjoyed being together ! When we return we start our school adventures !!! I plan to blog our way thru our school year this year ! It makes me accountable lol ! We have always done school our own way and I love it !!!! I would not want it any other way !!!! So remember us in prayer ! I'm excited about sharing this journey with you !!! Blessings and love Shellie💜