Wednesday, May 11, 2016

When all is quite .....


    My illness has been a journey .... I have learned so much from! I know that sounds crazy, but it is so true as well.... I have fallen in love with the quietness of the morning ! When no one is stirring in our home! 
    The soft hum of the morning traffics, the birds chirping outside my morning, and the simple hush of no one but me and Dad (Jesus) up and having sometime together.
      I have never been a real early riser until all this has taken place in my life recently! I would dread my Sunday morning alarm, now I am awake before it ever goes off! 
      I have truly found my quite time is the very best way to start my day ! It is well worth the effort to get up and tip toe into the living room and have a chat with Dad!
           I am almost giddy by the time I pick up my devotional, Bible, prayer journal and what ever book Dad has led me to read! I can't wait for Him to share with the truth He has for me today! 
     I am in the midst of writing a book and actually haven't written at all in it since my heart surgery ... He reminded me this morning I need to begin writing again ...  He did it so gently .... A thought came to mind , what if I used Dads approach when I need to remind my family of something.... I must say being sick has changed me a lot. How I do things has really changed ! Dad showed me a lot on that chase in our apartment! However He was never gruff with me ... He always did things in love .... So should we... No matter how crazy someone is driving us lol, we still should reply with love.... 
     I learned a long time ago you never question Gods plan for your life .... He will make it all work out for His glory! I know He has for me! I am so very blessed! Maybe your struggling with trying to find that time with Him ..... Try different times of your day till you find what time is right for you !!!! Then schedule that time for you Dad (Jesus) and me time ! I promise the effort will be well worth it. You will find yourself stronger for it! I can also promise you will find yourself changed as well !!!
     Thanks for stopping by! Praying you have a blessed day! ❤️Shellie


  1. Thank you for this!!! I struggle a lot with my morning routine! So I'm glad to know it is so worth pushing through!!! I love you!!

  2. Thank you for this!!! I struggle a lot with my morning routine! So I'm glad to know it is so worth pushing through!!! I love you!!

    1. your very welcome! is so worth pushing through!!! its became my favorite time of the day! Sure do love and miss you guys

  3. Morning worship is always been the best time to reflect on all that god has given and done for us. Thankful for the early morning rise and a cup of coffee with devotional. Glad to see you back to writing on here. Love you Mrs. Shellie

    1. You are so right Mrs. Peggy! For years I had struggled with getting up and starting my day off right! Im so glad I have been able to make it priority! Yes coffee makes everything better lol! Thank you it feels good to be back writing! I am trying to find a balance for everything, however I know that this is to big part of what I am called to do as well !!! love and miss you Mrs.Peggy!
