Friday, July 1, 2016

Let her play .....


    I miss the soft pitter patter of feet on the floor in the morning, the countless hours of playing barbies and babies, sewing for hours for A life of Faith , setting up Barbie and doll houses ... Playing for hours and most of all planning and having tea!
        My girls are teens now and for the most part these days have ended ....'now don't take me wrong we have plenty of fun now, in just a different way !
    Being a Mom is the third best gift God could have ever given to me ... My #1 gift is salvation and my #2 is my sweet hubby! Being a Mom has brought so much joy to my life! I actually can not wait till the time  to be lil granny in real life you know 50yrs down the road! Hehe.....
      For want ever reason I woke up this morning and this thought was so strongly on my heart ..... It was Imporant you taught them to Play and even more Imporant to teach the Boundries .... 
    That very moment I felt like God said you weren't a bad Mom when everyone else was putting there dolls away and trading them in at 10 for make-up and cell phones .... Instead I insisted cell phones waited till 14-15 and make- up no earlier than 13...
       I monitored t.v time, what books they read, who their friends were, what they looked at on the Internet..... I wanted to keep them safe and teach them the importance of acting their age and enjoying the easy years.... Adulting is hard ..... I don't always want to be one lol... Five sounds like a perfect age ... Naps playing all day... You know the easy stuff lol.... However I am thankful that God allowed me to be a Mom....
    Now that they are older I find myself protecting them from even more than ever in a more serious manner.... I want them to,save themselves for marriage, choose wise friends, Pray God would lead them to The One He created just for her !!!! I want them to have a strong relationship with God , to know what He says is right and wrong! Trust me this world is not where I want them getting that info from... I want them to pray about what God has called them to do..... The list goes on for days I promise .... Are they perfect nope ... Are they going to make mistakes...YES ! Even though neither of them have ever done anything to horribly bad .... I realize this world has a lot more pressures for them as teens and young adults than there ever was when I was a kid ! I want them to know they can ask me anything! Tell me anything! Am I always gonna like it .... Ummm.... Nope, however I am sure Gods not always to happy with me either .... He never turns me away.... I recently heard a story of how when a young man was young he messed up,and the church and his family turned their backs on them... Now let me make this clear ! My kids have not done anything to prompt this blog post ! It's just what God laid on my heart ...
     I am a Pastors wife .... I honestly could never turn my back on some one because they sinned! Not now anyways .... I can remember being apart of a movement years ago you must look  and act a certain way or God wouldn't love you .... I am so glad God removed those blinders from my eyes ! He saved me washed dirty ole me up and loves me !!!! If He can do that for me ! He can and will for anyone who ask ! The problem is we have lost a whole generation because, we set our standard so high even for our children we have bacame unapproachable ..... Ohh my..... What if God was that way? 
    I'm so glad He isn't .... So as I prayed this morning .... In my heart I felt Him reminding me our doing good at this Mom thing ! Your not perfect.... 
I thought for a moment and asked myself do my kids know they can tell me anything and know that they are always loved , always have a home, and always forgiven ..... Dad reminded me yes .... They do because right after heart surgery Jody and yourself set down and told them that.... 
       My oldest is 20 and my youngest now 16.... Some advice from a seasoned Mom.... It's Imporant she play's and is taught to be a kid and it's just as Imporant to teach them to be healthy teens, in their hearts minds and relationships .... Practice talking about the hard stuff... You want those talks to come from you not the world... You know the one I am thinking about .... Why it's important to save yourself for marriage .... Have an open rule you can go through their phone and computer .... Be sure to actually do it.... They may not tell you this right now! But they will love you for it in the end I promise ! Just remember this the Bible says this ....
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it!
Moms you do the training don't let the world be their influence ....
 Praying for all of you ! Hope you have an amazing weekend ! 💜Shellie