Saturday, June 11, 2016

Morning thoughts .....


  One of my favorite things in the world to hear is the early morning chirping of birds....
It's as if they wake up and instantly start singing praises to Jesus.... 
   This is what woke me this morning.... Was the sound of a beautiful chirping outside my bedroom window.... I just laid there and listened to the beautiful song it sang for a little while.... Till the buzzing on the highway right out side busted through with the sounds of traffics ....
       A thought came to my mind how busy our lives have became .... We are constantly on the go ....
 We miss so much of the beauty and wonder this beautiful world has to offer us ....
      That beauty is something money can never buy .... We must just slow down and enjoy the creation set out before us!
 God is so very creative He paints the sky for us each and everyday .... He sets our own lives in Motion with so much beauty to behold .... But when was the last time we slowed down to actually enjoy it?
     Over the past few months I have Been slowed way down from my fast paced life.... It wasn't by choice, but sickness has a way of making sure you slow yourself .... Ohh how it has slowed me ....
    Each day I reclaim a little more of what I lost ... Thank you Jesus for answered prayers! 
  However as I was laying there this morning I realized even more I want to be intentional in how I live my life! I want to enjoy the things around me not buzz through life watching it blurr by us....'I want to watch the butterflies outside my window, listen to the birds sing, look at the beautiful wonders all around me ! 
    I recently decided I needed a schedule to follow.... It will help me be intentional with what I do for my family and ministry, it will also make me spend some time writing .....
      But when I start this schedule I want to make sure there is time to enjoy the simplicity of life! 
To enjoy one another and not caught up in social media .... I may even start putting my phone away a certain time each evening so I am only focused on my family .... Being intentional with my time with them making memories .... Now my girls are older 20 &16.... So our hours of playing dolls are over for the most part.... 
     However there is still a lifetime of memories to make .... Make them count ..... Enjoy the sound of their laughter .... I promise you won't regret it.... Listen to the birds sing.....
  Thanks for stopping by .... Praying you all have a wonderful weekend ..... ❤️Shellie

1 comment:

  1. it's so good to see you blogging more, and this is a beautiful reminder! I'm so sorry for all you've been through, and that you have had such a hard time, but I think its wonderful that you can take something bad and make something so wonderful out of it! You are a wonderful person and I Love and miss you so very much!!!! Thank you for this reminder! I need it often! Love you!
