Friday, June 24, 2016

Sweet Surprises.....

I am a tru believer that God sends certain people to be in your life for a season and other for a lifetime! I am truly blessed for many that He has sent to be here for the long haul....
  As most of you know I have battled some serious health problems the past few months.... Sometimes a doctor is not what is needed .... It's medicine for the soul.... I truly believed I received some of that today .... One of my very best friends was able to come for a visit with her sweet kiddos today! I haven't seen them in almost 2 years .... My how time flies.....
   I hadn't realized just how much I missed talking over coffee and catching up.... Sharing stories of encouragement with one another .... Till you have that opportunity ....
While I was bed bound I realized each day is a gift and so are the people who come along beside us and lift us up along the way ..... I was reminded that even Jesus had his close knit set of friends ...His go to guys .... You know the ones who always had His back.... I have made some of those relationships since we moved back to our home town .... However they can never replace the ones you leave behind ... 

    I have decided that I need to make it priority to nurture these relationships and go see them... I miss them and need them in my life I can't imagine life with out them.... If Jesus needed His twelve then I must need my own as well... 

  When is the last time you reconnected with some one you once were super close to and have lost that intamcy in your friendship? Whether it is due to miles or just a busy life .... Consider taking time out and making a point to remind that person you miss them and you need them in your life ... 
    I will leave you with this thought from the Bible :
12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 
13Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 
14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. John 15:12-14
      How can we deny Gods Word He requires us to love on another .... When is the last time you reminded that special friend you love them and your praying for them..... 
 Thank you for stopping by... Until next time I will continue to pray for you guys ... Hope you will do the same for me .... -💜Shellie


  1. How lovely and encouraging. I am certainly thankful that God has given me you as a life long friend. I'm so thankful for your friendship. We love you all and miss you so much.

  2. I love the fact that with some people you just pick up where you left off! I'm also glad you got to spend some time together, I know that it made your heart happy! Love you both so very much!!!
