Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Thanks Giving

The sun had started  peeking through the blinds early this morning, as Jesus was saying rise in the quite and spend time with me .... the fleshly part of me wanted to pull the covers back up and find a more comfortable spot on the chase and sleep a little longer, the spiritual girl in me said it's time to rise girlfriend. So I did just that sleeepy, sore, moving very slow. I pepped talked my way into the family room inside the big house and did just that....
      That's when it hit me Thanksgiving is just next week ! How could that be ? Another year has almost slipped by and gone and a new year with new possibilities are just around the corner ..... the sun was coming through the window warm as a spring day .... I took sometime to reflect at what this year has held... I knew I would have a little bit before I would have coffee restrictions means you need help and you don't push it lol....
    So as I waited I asked the Lord to help me see the things I didn't see... for one reason or another ...
   He spoke to this heart and said it's all been for a reason.... this has been a tough year for my family... however I have seen His hands and feet prints all over us.
     We have became closer family... we are not as rushed and take time for one another. We realize each day is a gift and that it can be taken as quickly as it is given.
  That the things we learned early in ministry has prepared us for such a time as this.... We are seeing His promises come to pass...
    I have learned I am beautiful no matter what the world thinks because I am made in the image of God.... The worlds views are not applicable. I am invited because God has invited me and He loves me dearly.
That my husband and my relationship is stronger than it has been in years ! He will provide for us in more than one way! He wants to bless us ... all He ask is for us to follow Him even when it can be really scary... if we just let him lead He will bring blessings you can't even imagine....
     I am beyond thankful for moments like this morning. Reflecting on all He has done for us. These are just a few things at best .... trust me there are many more...
    As you gather with family with the week to come be sure to look back on the year God has given you ... Thank Him for all those blessings we have to be thankful for...
Trust me there will be many who may be facing battles they never excepted .... However I know of a Mighty God who doesn't make mistakes .... that's why sometimes we have to praise Him in the hallway and on mountain... Hope all of you have a Happy Thanks Giving! Love and prayers thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog post and your heart for Jesus! Just so you know, you are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside :) But I totally understand what you are saying! And those mornings are hard for those of us who aren't sore and with health restrictions, kudos for you getting up and spending time with God! I love you so much, and I know that 2016 has given you a beating, here's to praying that 2017 rushes blessings over you, your beautiful family, and the amazing church you guys are serving in! I love you and just so you know, I'm so thankful for you and your friendship, your mentorship, and just to know you. :) Love you so!
