Wednesday, January 11, 2017

All In His Time

    Ecclesiastes 3:1 says it best..... To everything there is a season, and a time to every person under the heaven!
     2016 has now came and gone and 2017 has greeted us with much joy and on going pain. My on going health struggle has brought so many things to light. Trusting God for what has not been seen or felt yet... I still believe total healing will come..... I have spent countless hours pouring over goals for 2017. I don't believe in resolutions... They are to easily broken... Goals in my state are achivievable.
    The one thing I want to achieve more than anything is to grow closer to my Jesus. To spend quality time above the already study time with Him.... He has placed so many beautiful things in my heart to accomplish in 2017. It's going to take being truly focused on Him and praising Him in the hallway for things I need physically and haven't received healing for yet....
   My health struggle has been hard and changed my life in many ways! My prayer is too always let others see the amazing God I serve in all I do! Even when it's a struggle to type.
         I have truly realized over the past year that God will even use the broken pieces that I thought no one could restore... To revitalize someone else's heart....
   We all go through deep valleys in our life when we feel like the cartoon character who is using a straw to breathe as they are treading water trying not to drown in the flooding storm. I have found it's how we use these times that really grow us for Jesus!
2 Corinthians 9:10 says, Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.God has given each of us, our own resources! He wants to show them to us, but are we really ready to see them? Are we ready to truly use them? He wants us to see the kindness, goodness, and love.Even in the hardest of circumstances. What are you battling this morning? Is it your health, is it relationship problems, maybe spiritual issues? How are you going to see this challenge? Are you going to give up and be the victim to all who is watching? Or will will see the goodness that has or is coming by acting like the victor ! After all God word will stand true ! Pray it back to Him, show Him your standing firm in you battle. Instead of asking why me, why not ask why not me! Watch as your story unfolds before you as never before.
Thank you for stopping by today... I pray something has touched your heart enough to stand and fight, for the victory God has for you! Just remember how you see the battle won may not be how it
 Plays out! Just keep remembering who knows the endo of your story!
                              Praying your day is filled with many blessings today!


  1. Thanks Shellie for sharing with me the way you are relying on God. In my journey with Christ I have found what you described as being our greatest source of courage (Praying back to God). Today as the result of Christ my problems have shifted to opportunities to draw closer to God. This is not say I don't struggle because I still revert back to my old outlook on problems but the moment I turn to Christ God's Spirit begins teaching me the solution! GBY your family and friends.

    1. Thank you so much Walter for stopping by! It's my pleasure to share where the Lord has brought me and leading! Your so right when we focus on God it's hard to return to the things of the past ! God bless you and I hope you an amazing weekend

  2. I love you so much and your words are so beautiful! Thank you for always being an amazing Titus 2 woman and taking time to encourage others! You have a gift to use and I'm glad you use it! You're the best pastors wife ever! I love you to the moon and back, and I'm praying SO hard you get some peace and answers so soon. Love you so much!

    1. Awwww thank you so much Stacy ! You have know idea how much your friendship means! Thank you for all the encouragement and prayers! I love you the mostess ! You my friend are pretty amazing yourself ! I love you mostess !

  3. Wonderfully worded I love it. Hope you have a blessed year.

    1. Thanks Stephen! I hope you and your family have blessed year !
