Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday 3-13-17

So my amazing friend at shared this new wonderful link-up,
over at the Diary of a Stay at Home Mom with me last night ! I am so very excited the share this journey with you guys each Monday!

The weather.....
The March weather this year has been an up and down roller coaster. We have gone from 40 degree weather to 80 degree weather! Then of all thing we woke up to snow yesterday morning ! One thing is for sure about living in the south you never ever know what you will get lol. This morning the sun has made its grand appearance causing everything to lift its attention of hope of warmth... How ever the air is cold and biting today.... The recent cold snap leads way for worry for the farmers who peach and strawberry crops have all ready started to bloom ! I pray the Lord watches over them.... However this weather gives the excuse to stay home and spend sometime doing things we love with one another... 

Right now I am....
Enjoying the warmth of our home, and listening to the soft chatter of my youngest and one of her homeschool friends. I love the fact that being a stay at home mommy allows me to set at our kitchen table to update my blog and contemplate what our day will hold for us. 

This will be a very week for my home.... we will have co-op, a out of town doctors appointment, a children's ministry spring bash, along with all of our normal weekly happenings... I need to make a to-do list. Hope I can do some sewing and take some picture's sometime this week !

On my reading pile....
The ladies of our church are doing the study a woman after Gods own heart by Elizabeth George ! This a life changing and challenging study! I absolutely love the heart changing that comes from a challenge the Word Of God.
Now my daily devotional is Jesus Calling by Sarah Young which I absolutely love this devotional!

For personal reading A Life of Faith Laylie Colbert ! The story of how an a young abolitionist  helps a brother and sister escape slavery! The story is one of courage, friendship, and saving grace!

On my TV.....
Well at the moment Crash Bandicoot lol! A old PlayStation game . One of the girls from our children's ministry and our homeschool co-op came home with us as well ! She is waiting for me to come play 18 inch dolls with her !
Favorite blog post last week (mine or other)....
Intentional mommyhood's post about making over her evening ! You haven't visited this amazing ladies blog please take a chance to do so ! You will not be disappointed !

Something fun to share....
I was up way later than I wanted last night so I was doing some reading ! I learned in the Victorian era that it was believed that men may attracted to  the slender sleekness of table legs ! That was when the invention of floor length table clothes came in to play ! I was like  really wow  !

Blog hopping (newly discovered blog)....
I was just introduced this morning to this wonderful blog ! I have so enjoyed what I have already discovered ! Can not wait to check it out further.

On the menu for this week....
Well our family is on the last week of the 21 day Daniel Fast. so lots and lots of veggies hehe...

On my to do list....
To get everything in place for school tomorrow, help do laundry, pick the house up, and play with my guest today !

In the craft basket....
Today my sweet little person friend and I be making some American girl food ! I cant wait, I love to craft for American girl dolls !

Looking forward to this week....
Going to see a rheumatologist for the first time, my family and I praying this gives answers to long a long list of medical issues.  

Looking around the house....
I adore the coziness of our home... I am pleased to look around to see it isn't to disarray. It wont take long to tidy up from a very busy weekend !

From the camera....
I spent the Friday sewing a historical doll dress ! The first time I had sewn in quite some time ! It was an amazing feeling to return to what I love to do !

On my prayer list.....
My health, I woke up with chest pain last night.... I suffer from pericarditis, we are unsure what the total cause is ! we had tried to cut back one of the medicines for inflammation and we feel that may be the cause! Praying it was just a hiccup and today will better ....

Bible verse, Devotional....

I am super excited to have been invited to check this out and join this linky party! Please join in on the fun !
Here is the Link if you would like to check it out :


  1. Great work. Truly speaking I never seen a blog like that. Absolutely superb work. Good luck. Thanks for such an informative post. For more information visit k2 incense

  2. Shelly, thank you so much for the thoughtful comment on my post. Welcome to the group. I sure hope you find an answer to your medical condition soon. Best of luck to you. LeeAnna

  3. Wow, 80's. We are just now climbing to the 60's. Lots of veggies is a good thing. Have a nice week.

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