Saturday, March 11, 2017

health updates

Hi Guys thanks for stopping by ! I have some health updates I wanted to share with you and some blog updates ! I have recently created a new and improved blog lol with lots of help lol ! Thank you Jesus for amazing friend who are willing to help out !
my new blog address is! Please check it out and follow me there ! I will leave this blog up for 3 wks and at that time I will be deleting it! Thanks for sharing this journey with me ! those of you have followed my health and prayed for me here is the latest updates ! 
 March 1st marked one year of the surgery that caused a some very serious health conditions ! I have gone through two major heart Surgeries and a major lung surgery all in one year.... there was a point I couldn't walk, I wore oxygen and all I did was exist from one moment to the next. It is a year later and though I am not 100% God has done some amazing things ! I can walk in assisted, I no longer in need for any help of oxygen, I am slowly gaining energy back ! I seen the heart doctor on March 1st and received a wonderful report ! They can not hear a pericardial rub which is a good sign that there is no fluid on the heart ! We will repeat a echo cardiogram in April to be sure ! The longer my body can go with out the return of fluid the better chance we have that it won't return ! He has however referred us to see a rheumatologist, he is concerned there is more to the story ! We see them on Wednesday ! Help us pray if that is the case we will finally get the answers to the puzzle ! We also seen the pulmonologist last Wednesday and we got a wonderful report ! Although the base of the left lung is unchanged as far as healing. It will never function again, he was pleased that my O2 stats hold their own in the high 90's! We were released from him unless something would arise and we would need to see him again ! Gods healing in His time !
   It has been a long journey but well worth the wait ! I have a ways to go, until I receive what I know He has for me I will praise Him in the hallway ! For my Jesus doesn't halfway do any thing !
thank you for stopping by ! 
    I pray your week is filled with blessing beyond compared

1 comment:

  1. SO nice to meet you Shellie. Know that I will be following your journey and praying for healing. Have a great Sunday.
