Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Prairie School Day 12

                                                                     Prairie School Day 12
   Today we opened with devotion and prayer ! We talked about Peer Pressure ... How the pressures of this world try to take our eyes of Christ !  It penetrates our hearts and changes the way we see things ! In the world we live in today young girls face so many things ! they aren't thin enough , or they shouldn't play but act as if they are adults , to not be Christian's , the list goes on and on !!! The verse we used today came from Galatians 1:10
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
 We talked about the importance of protein in our diet !!! We discussed how in our last chapter that Pa missing the game to kill ment the family would be without meat for awhile !!! We discussed 4 other sources of protein !!! Eggs, Cheese , Beans , and Nuts !!!
The we read a biography on  LOUIS PASTEUR . He was a famous Chemist and Biologist !
He is famous for the Germ Theory ,  Spontaneous Generation , Pasteurization , and the Rabies Vaccine !!! We gained many wonderful things from this man !!!  Sissy wrote a report on what she learned !!! we did our other daily school things !!!  We took time today to talk about our favorite part of the Little House In the Big Woods Book !!! Sissy's was the chapter about going to town !!!  I am so blessed to be able to home school !!! I can't wait till tomorrow we have a sewing project ! 
Blessings to all hope you have a good evening !!! 

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