Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Prairie School day 17

Little House on the Prairie Ch 8-9

Today we opened in devotion and prayer ! A privilege I will never take for granted !
Our devotion today was all Genesis Ch 1. When God created the earth and all that was in it ! How He made man kind in His image , we are fearfully and wonderfully made ! He was pleased with his creation !!! Pa was also proud of his creation ! The doors he was able to make with out nails ! God instilled creativity in each of us! Our God is also creative just take a look at his creation around you !!!
Today's chapters were filled with creativity ! First Pa made a door for both the house and barn !!! He allowed Laura to help !!! I was amazed at the detail that went into this task !!! How skill full Pa was on the prairie !!! It also made me very thankful for the warm snug house I live in !!! Its cold here and has even been blowing snow !!! just a little ...
Our next chapter shared Pa's next project !!! A fire place ! So Ma wouldn't have to cook outside anymore ! Sissy and I talked about the simplicity of the materials used .... Rocks from the creek bed , mud , logs, and sticks. These were the only materials used !!! It is crazy how much our world has changed !!!! I loved at the end of the chapter when Laura shared how she was happy to be living inside a house again . Ma placed her china doll on the mantle of the new fire place ! Placed a table cloth on the new table Pa made , and spoke of the quilts were on the bed making it feel more like a home ... 
Our homeschool day has been busy and full of fun activities !!!!
 The first thing we did was discuss the cause and effect of smoke inhalation . Sissy made a poster for our school room.
  Our next activity of the day was making a willow broom like Ma uses ! We have willow tree at friends house we were able to gather branches from her tree ! It was not as hard as we thought it would be to make ... However it isn't as efficient as the broom we use now !!! we tested both out to see which was a better choice !!!
our willow branches we actually could have used more
we used ribbon instead of twine because I was out twine !!!  
finished product  
tying out the finished product

 Our next activities of the day was washing clothes on a wash board ! and Ironing with a sat-iron ! We took time discuss how far technology has brought us today !!! How long it would take to complete your household chore using these methods ! Her favorite chore was washing the clothes ! We have the honor of using my Great Grandma's wash board !!! We live in such a blessed era !
we washed a child's prairie dress , apron , shawl , and pantaloons 

when all were washed we hung the out to dry !!!
we choose to iron a old pillow case just in case we scorched something lol  
We hope you enjoyed our school day as much as we enjoyed sharing all we have learned !!! Hope all has a blessed evening !

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