Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dreaming .....

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.  
Mathew 9:26

 I recently shared with my husband something's .... Well I haven't shared before .... Dreams .... Things I would like to do ! 
     I know it sounds silly, in some ways ... I have a very busy life ! My family unit and our ministry are to priorities over all ! I can't help but feel the talents God has given each of us ... Well he wants us to use them ! 
     So I asked my sweet husband to pray for me ! As I seek God and use those talents ... 
    For years I have found extreme pleasure in sewing !!! It is like therapy for my soul ! Lately I have thrown the idea around of making custom  boutique kids clothing to sell online ... 
     Also praying about finishing my book about my life .... This one is tough for me! It's a scary thought to let people in again! 
    Lastly a tea room ! I would love to host tea parties for special events !!!! 
      I know these are dreams right now ! I am praying the Lord guides my heart !
     I have been a homeschool stay at home Mommy for 17 yrs now ! It's hard to imagine that journey will soon be over ... In just a few short years ! 
My babies are growing up fast !!! I am so proud of the young women they are !!! They will ever know the joy they give me daily .... 
     So for now these are prayers and dreams as I follow the Lords leading .... So I will ask you to do the same ... Pray for me .... It's in those still quite moments of the still mornings .... I love to share my heart .... Not only share but listen for my Dad to speak and guide my foot steps ...
Hope each of you have an amazingly blessed day ! 
💜 Shellie .....


  1. I will def pray for you! I think you would be awesome in both of those dreams! I will be praying, you are a wonderful Mommy and should be so proud of the wonderful young ladies that your girls have grown to be! I will be praying and I can't wait to see what else you have in you, because you already have SO much! Love you!

    1. Thank you so very much !!!! I miss you beyond word !!!! Love you the mostess !!! Praying for you always !
