Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Day of Prairie School

When I created this blog it was to share with others about my home school year ! Our good , bad , ugly and blessed days ... We choose to use the Prairie Primer this year for our youngest ... For many reasons but mainly it had Jesus all through it !!! Also because sissy was interested in it ... Soooo 
Our First Day of Prairie School was wonderful !!! We were excited to finally get started ....
Our day started with learning about the Little House In The Big Woods ! 
we talked about how the stories are both fiction and non fiction ... The stories are based on her real life she just changed names and how things happened in some of her stories !
We always open in prayer and Bible reading ! I feel privileged to be able to do so ...
we read the first chapter in the The Little House in the Big Woods ! 
We also talked about food preservation... The importance of choosing a healthy diet. how you need certain foods to heal your body !!! 
We also talked about how they preserved their food in the 1800's its much different than  what we have today !!! 
She did her own research on bears 
Here is the finished product
      We talked about the how their homes, clothes, and lives were so much different than ours  !!! I surprised her with her own apron and bonnet for later use in our school year !!!
Of course teacher had to have one to !!!
our school day consisted of other school work like math , spelling .and language arts ... 
I feel beyond blessed to be this young ladies teacher 

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