Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Prairie School Day 11

Chapter 13 

 Today we finished our Little House In the Big Woods Book ... it was bitter sweet to see it end ! We are excited about next adventure though ! 
We opened with prayer and devotion ... Our Bible lesson today was about being content with what we have ! We referred to Philippians 4:11
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, there with to be content.
We talked about how we should be like Laura that even though Pa had missed many opportunities to kill game the night before He didn't ... That ment the family would be with out meat for awhile ... We talked about how God is good to provide for us and in a world that is never content ... We should be pleased with what we have ! 
We learned today about salt how it was a treasured item during the 1800's also expensive ! We I decided to hold off on some of today's activities to finish preparing for our conference. Also to finish a craft we started yesterday :) we both look forward to spending next week tieing up our final activities that go along with our current book !!! We are beyond blessed !!! here is our mat we started yesterday !!! We have decided that Ma had to have the patients of Job to make straw hats .... It took longer than we thought and it wasn't as easy as it sounded lol ... Here is pictures for you guys to enjoy !!! 
we used raffia
it was more challenging to braid than you would think lol
even harder to wind and sew at the same time

here is our final result ! It smaller than we expected
So we decided to turn it into a Christmas Tree Ornament
 I am not sure if I have I have taken the opportunity to thank those who read my blog !!! Or not ... I just want you to know that I appreciate you very much !!! I hope you all have a very blessed week and weekend !!!

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