Thursday, September 12, 2013

Prairie School Day 3

Today we read chapter 3 of the Little House in the Big Woods ! We opened in prayer and devotion ! 
Then we enjoyed our new chapter ! We learned the importance of following instructions of our parents ! Pa had a wonderful story he shared with Laura and Mary about what happened when he didn't obey his Pa ! Our verse for our devotion today was found in Ephesians 1:3

                        Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;
That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Today we learned about gun safety ! After reading about how pa cleaned his gun and the great care he took to make sure it was done safely and correctly. We watched a video on the topic ! We looked at illustrations of a muzzle loader and illustrations on how it was cleaned . Also we discussed rust and the causes and effects of rust ! What you can do to prevent ... We spent time doing Math and spelling . She even found sometime to draw Jack the Brindle Bulldog today ...

We finished our school day cooking a Prairie Style Lunch ! We used the little house cookbook to make cornbread Just like Ma made ! The corn bread was alot different from what we are used to eating today !!! It only had three ingredients. Stone Ground Yellow Corn Meal , Boiling Water , and salt.
The only other thing called for was pork drippings to grease the pan ! 
We made bacon and fried potatoes for lunch ! We even used some of the butter we made yesterday !!! We had a very blessed day in Prairie School !!! Hope your day was just as blessed !

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