Saturday, February 7, 2015

God is never late ....

I woke before my family did this morning ... We have a very busy day ahead of us ... I wanted to make sure I had time to spend with the Lord , before I was consumed with other responsibilities ! As I sat down to do my devotion the words have never been more fitting ! Bone-weary , exhaustion ,and to much for you !!! What did my sweet Lord tell my secret prayers !!!! I know He didn't my heavenly Dad would never do such a thing ... However He knew what I needed , I am thankful ! I know I am on His path , make no mistake about that !!!! I just need a little reminder sometime that He is still with me during this battle !!! I am thrilled to know He is !!! I don't ever want to be so busy that I am not attentive to Him ! I know He's guiding each of my steps !!! I think for awhile I will just crawl up in Daddy's lap and let Him carry me awhile ! I am blessed to know He will !!! For in His presence there shall always be peace !!!
Hope each of you have a blessed weekend ! Blessings 💜Shellie
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. Psalm 42:11


  1. I missed all my blogs but I missed yours the most! I'm so greatful that distance can't hinder our friendship, although I would love to be sharing coffee with you on your couch, I'm thankful God saw fit to keep us close in heart! I'm back to the blogging world, I think its far more positive in my life than negative, so I'm back :) Love you soooo much!

  2. My couch is always open for a coffee date with my bestie !!!! I can't wait to see you soon !!!! I love you so much
