Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tail Spinning Thoughts

What a title I know !!! Yet it stands very true for me ! I have this ability to have 50 million things going through my head and set them aside to do something else ! With the intention to return to them and think them through or shut them off !!! Problem is I I often forget to do just those two simple things !!!! 
   So instead of the 50 million I woke up with I go to bed to add more the next morning !!!! Only to find myself very overwhelmed !!! As I was doing my devotion this morning I wasn't shocked to read that the Lord had the perfect solution ! Why wasn't I giving them over to Him ? Even if it does need my attention He still wants me to include Him! After all He isn't surprised by them , He knows they are there ! He just isn't going to make me include Him !!! My problem is I'm a very creative person so I tend to be all over the place , I can be doing school and see a milk jug and think of how to turn it into a awesome basket and still be on task .... Yet in my little mind I see no need to let God handle it such an unimportant thought ! After all He is God and He is busy curing cancer He doesn't care about my project ! However He does !!!! You know He created me, thats why I am who I am !!! So of course He wants me to share !!!!i guess my point is that we are all guilty of letting our thoughts get out of control ! Wether they are are good or bad thoughts ! We often think of ourselves as super human who needs to handle everything on our own ! Here is how my devotion started " Keep your focus on Me. I have gifted you with amazing freedom , including the ability to choose the focal point of your mind. Only the crown of My creation has such remarkable capability ; this is a sign of being made in My image ! 
I choose to make God my focal point , not to let my thoughts spin out of control, leading to frustration , overwhelmed , and spinning out of control ! I am after all made in Him image !!!  I should take pride in that and Him .... So I choose to share all things with Him even petty things !!! With Him all things are possible !!! Even calming the storms of my mind !!!! 
Blessings 💜Shellie
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Mathew 19:26

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