Sunday, April 3, 2016

Gods Ever Presence and Love .....

     Today is my favorite day of the week ! Sunday, one of the day's our family is at church in service for our Lord !!! My amazing husband is a Pastor of an amazing church located in Salisbury, North Carolina.... I am of course the First Lady as my sweet hubby calls me ! I am also over our children's ministry ! It's the highlight of my week to spend Sunday morning teaching the littlest of our church about the love of our God ! Both of my girls find ways to serve each and every Sunday when they are there ! My oldest sometimes cannot be there due to work ... I truly believe God understands that ... It doesn't mean she loves Him no less ... 
     However the last month has been a little different for our family ! I have been able to attend one service.... Since March first.... I was unable to attend this morning due to a bought with strep throat ! I am one of those people who does not believe in sharing my germs!!! Lol, my church family agrees haha! 
So this morning was different .... I wasn't bustling around preparing to teach .... I haven't since February 28,2016. That was the last Sunday I taught, I intended to return the following Sunday after my surgery .... That wasn't Gods plan however.... He's taught me so much this past month ! I miss my kids and from what I hear they miss me !!! We are looking forward to my return !!!! As much as I look forward to my return ! God has shown me and my children's workers ! I can ask for help, and they are very capable to handle it for me ! Maybe this needed to happen so they could see what God could do through them !!! It excites me that they are excited ! I have gained workers since I have been out ! They have to me and said when you come back ! I want to serve with you !!! I was so excited, to see the excitement in their eyes ! I know they have finally seen the calling God had already showed me !
      I had such a hard time asking for help, I have been burned may times for letting people in and letting them walk beside me ! My Dad (Jesus) says it's okay, I've got this trust me! I know He does !!! It makes my heart happy knowing God is all over this!!! 
     I am on day 6 of a 21 day social media break.... I can't really tell you I miss it that much ! I know I will probably allow it back in my life, I pray not like it was though ! It's nice not to know all the gossip! Or be caught up in everyone's lives ... I have my own to that keeps me busy enough with out all theirs to compare mine to !
      I have been reading two of the most amazing books this week ! I almost half done with, it has been amazing ! You should check it out !!!! It's called A Women After Gods Own Heart updated and expanded version By Elizabeth George. This book is filled with many treasures for the heart for any woman !!!! It can change your home if you let it, your heart, how we prioritize things ! Gods so good He makes no mistakes !!! I needed the the words in this book !!! I have also been reading A Heart Like His 
Intimate Reflections on the Life of David By Beth Moore !!! Beth Moore is by far one of my favorite authors ! I promise you will look at the story of David in a new light ! It's been life changing to read why Saul lost anointing of God !!!! Why David was chosen .... I know this story like the back of my hand , I am telling you though Beth has a way of bringing things out in a way I never seen before biblically !!! 
    I have said from the beginning God makes no mistakes ! He didn't on March first either .... I thank Him for all He's allowed .... I woke up with my throat feeling much better today !!! Also not as short of breathe!!!! My God is good !!!! I helped prepare lunch ! I may not be able to walk to the kitchen in my lil apartment, but I'm thankful for the wheel chair that can get me there ! So I can stand for short periods! Without God man would not have known how even make a wheel chair !!!! My healing is coming! I'm just waiting for my change!!!! It was nice to feel some real change this morning! 
It's a happy week for our house, one of my daughters from another mom is costing this week ! I love times like this, the chic flicks, giggles, and whispers ! That's medicine for the soul ! I love when God ordaines things !!!! He is good !!! Not just when life is good, He's good even when it's hard!!! I would like to leave you with scripture :
Isn't God good ! I sure hope you can find joy in your life ! Praying for you this week !!! Thanks for stopping by ! By the way check out the pictures below !!! I'll be sharing the two books I. Am reading and my lil apartment ! My temporary home !!! Blessings and love to each of you !
                                       These two books are life changing check them out !
 The area in the back is my sewing area

This sectional sets right beside my chase ! It has many purposes, it's my hubby's bed , their dining room table, where they spend their time during the day ! They stay with me day and night !!! I have an amazing family !
My bathroom area ! This is my temporary home ! I will be able to walk and return to the big house ! I claim these promises on Gods Word !!!!! 



  1. First off I love your apartment! How awesome is it that it was empty for you now and so convenient! IT's awesome that you have it, and that your family is being there for you and spending time there with you. Know that they are the way they are because of your love for them over the years.. you have made good people out of them, Mama is the heart of the home, and you've always taken that job very seriously. You've done a great job with them!
    Yes, I mean hubby too ha ha! Hubbies are a mess.. what would they ever do without us?
    I'll have to check out your books. i love you so much and I'm so thankful for you in my life. I am glad i actually get to see you in person this weekend, and I thank you for allowing my daughter to make your home a second home for her! I know she's so thankful to be there. I lov e you, and i love your spirit. Gods got this, for sure.

    1. Aww thank you ! We feel very blessed to have it !!! It has been a true blessing through all of this !!! I am truly blessed with such an amazing family !!! I am so blessed they are mine ! I am so thankful for each opportunity God has given me to teach my girls to guide their lives ! It excites me to see them be the ladies that they are !
      Ohh I would be so lost without my hubby and he is rotten lol ! But he has been my strength when I was to tired through all of this !
      You will love both books ! My one is on my kindle ! I need to see if I can share it with you !!!
      I am super excited to see you in person! I miss you so very much ! It's my pleasure to have your daughter !!! Thank you for sharing her with us ! I love you the very mostess !!!! And I love your spirit and courage !!! Your girls are blessed to have you for a 'Mom and the boys too !!! Love you mostess
