Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Women of Joy and a Health Update

 I am so sorry it's been awhile since I updated ! I have had a lot going on! I came home from Women of Joy spiritually restored ! I now know why God said I couldn't miss it! I now have a glimpse of the things He has for me to do! I am super excited ! I know that it will require me allowing Him to do what He has plans to do! The worship and the speakers were absolutely amazing !!!! There wasn't a time during this Confrence God wasn't speaking right to my heart! I left so spiritually awakened !!!! Physically exhausted lol .... I wouldn't change it though! I know I needed to be there so it was worth every effort! So those of you who prayed so I could go thank you ! The ladies of our church were amazing ! They went in together and bought a newer used lighter wheel chair for me! It was much easier on them and me! They were all willing to help me with my bags and oxygen. It was a pleasure to amongst beautiful ladies who love the Lord and each other so much ! They are not just my friends but my family as well!
      I am on the mend slowly.... I am very tired and sore ..... Still swollen all over .... According to the doctor on Monday all of this is normal at this point. He cut my oxegyn down from 2 liters to one !!! He hopes to have me off of it in the next 2 weeks !!! I am very excited about that. After talking to my sweet hubby I won't return to children's ministry until later in May.... The chest tube left open wound that is still draining .... He just feels I should heal up a lil more and I'm okay with that ! That away when I return stitches are out and the hole completely closed and hopefully have all my energy back !!!! I have moved back into the big house !!! After the surgery I have been able to walk !!! It's been so amazing to come back into the home I had created for our family !!! I even slept with my sweet hubby for the first time in over two months last night !!!! My God is so good !!!! 
   It has been a very trying few months .... But I can honestly say when I look back I have seen my Jesus all over this ! I know this sounds crazy, but I am thankful that even though it's been hard I have lived it and experienced His loving grace ....
 So let me end with this ! If your in a storm hold on He has you, even in the darkest part of it He has you !!! Don't let the tossing and turning turn you from Him ! Instead let it draw you closer to Him ! Praise Him even when it's hard !!!! Because I can promise you it will be worth it!!! He will give you beauty for your ashes !!!! I know He has me!!! I praise Him for  He is good !!!! 
I want to leave you with my favorite scripture ! If you remember a few blogs back I shared with you how my sweet hubby came in and told me the Lord wanted Him to remind me of my favorite verse !!! It has brought much comfort and encouragement ! Just know no matter what your going through Wait On Him! He will see you through ! 

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31King James Version (KJV)



1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you got to go! You look beautiful, and I'm still praying for you!! I knew God was gonna bless you and make this possible, and I'm so glad you can walk! I love you, and miss you :)
