Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Test and progress ....

The quote of above is so very true .... This new adventure my Jesus has taken me on, at times has been very painful! I have felt as if I were close to death, I have felt deep pain physically and emotionally! I have felt as if I were falling apart at the seems, even lost and confused as to what was my Dad (God) thinking ! 
    Only to feel the loving hands of my creator wrap His arms around me and speak peace .... To remind me He had this ! It's anew adventure and He is creating someone stronger and more beautiful in the sight of my creator ! For I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image ! I could never be anything less than amazing to him ! I have felt His promises ring through my heart, reminding me that all things work for His Glory !!! To stand firm on His promises for the healing would come !!! I know it will He promises it will! My God can not lie ! 
      We have made some small progress and I love to share what my God does! For He is always worthy of praise for all things !
     I have been able to walk Crome my chase all the way to the kitchen stove in my apartment !!! That is a total of 22 steps !!! After arriving I have been able to stand to prepare small meals !!! I have even been able to walk back after that twice !!! That may not sound like much for some but for my jello legs it's a huge improvement ! I do require a walker .... I am to unstable to walk long distance with out it ! That's okay, I'm thankful for my walker.... There were times in history no such things were available ! I am thankful I live in a time those things are there to help me out ! 
    I am still having to use higher doses of pain meds at night to sleep due to the chest pain... That and the hard time walking has alarmed my doctor, so I will see a cardiologist on May 13. To see where we stand with the pericarditis. 
    I had a breathing function test done today ... It was very helpful to help us understand what going on with my lungs. They look for 3 things ! First thing they check for are obstructions like Astmah , COPD, and emphysema. I do not have any obstructions !!! Thank you Jesus for answers prayers!!!  The second part of the test is to see how well my lungs inflate, I have moderate restriction ! Which means my lungs can not take in adequate air. This could be caused from the chemical burn in the lung or the pericarditis . We will be waiting to hear more about that ! The third thing they check for is to see how well the lungs are getting gasses and oxegyn to the blood stream. I have a mild compromise there... We are not clear what the next step will be .... We were told today that only time would tell if the body corrects all of this .... So we are kinda back at the lets hurry up and wait some more place again.... However over all these are answers and they aren't terrible ! It could have shown much worse things !!! My God is good !!! I am thankful for all He does ! I have been sharing in my last blog I would be attending the Women of Joy Confrence ! I am becoming super excited about this Confrence ! It is coming so quickly now ! I am also super excited about who I will be sharing this journey with! My youngest daughter will joining us also one of her close teenage friends and 9 ladies of our church !!! I know I am ment to be there !!! I simply can not wait to see what all God has in store for us !!!
I also finished the book A Women After Gods Own Heart by Elizabeth Goerge, my oh my how you should read if you haven't ! It is a life changer ! I am almost done with the Beth Moore book as well ! I have learned so much about David I hate for this book to end !!! I'll be sure to let you know it after I finish it as well ! I have so loved my quite time with the Lord lately ... I have grown so much ! Finding joy everyday even when it's hard has changed my life .... Trust me it's all how we look at things ! It's not always easy to find joy .... I promise if you look hard enough you will find it ! I have found joy also leads up to hope! The word hope in the Greek translation is elpis. Meaning "confident expectation in the unseen future" or "happy expectation of good. Hope brings forth positivity !!! Without hope we remain broken, we can't see the reason to keep fighting, we let negativity rule our lives !
Hope helps us to hold on because faith is reminding us something good is about to happen !
The Bible says it best in Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope
Thanks for stopping by ! I hope that my journey has inspired you to draw closer to Jesus.... He did not promise me life would be a tea party but a grand adventure ! I'm glad He's leading the way !

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear its going better! I'm so proud of you, and know how bad you want to get better. I think that the conference will be good for you, I pray God will allow you to do lots of things you haven't been able too, but until then still rest! Rest does a body good. :) I love you!
