Sunday, April 10, 2016

Time for War

Let's go to battle ! I had the honor and privilege to attend church this today !!!! I haven't yet returned to children's ministry, so I had the honor of attending worship up stairs !!! Ohh my and was it worth every ounce of energy and pushing myself to get there! The Pastor spoke today on the subject it's time for war! Ohh my was it amazing , but I must say it was for me !!! I have came to realize just a few days ago I am in a spiritual battle ! That is affecting my physical body! Devil would love for me to give up and quit fighting and proclaiming Gods promises .... Hate to tell him ... Not today or any day for that matter !!!! I have the letters from the King that proclaim my healing !!!! The Bible ! And guess what it can't lie .... 
   I don't know when that complete healing is coming ..... I just know it is and I will not stop proclaiming it and praising My Dad God for it !!! Not now not ever ! 
    I may have to be rolled in a wheel chair for now, but I will walk long distances again! My lungs will function properly again ! My heart will function properly again ! I know because My Dad (Jesus) has already revealed it in my spirit .... I love how He does stuff like that ! I have already given my shout of victory !!!! So what are you facing? Are you in a battle ? Please know God love you and He's got your victory He just wants you to stand until He gives the word !!!! Stand still and wait on Him ! It will be worth it !lean on the Lord when it's hard to stand He will give you strength to stand I promise !!! I'm praying for you this week coming ! I don't have to know your name cause God already does ! Praying your blessed this week !!!!! Thanks for stopping by !

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