Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I wanna always call out to my Jesus !

I have been reading the most amazing book by Beth Moore ! It's about David and the anointing God had placed on his life ... I ah e came to learn that the more God used David the more David faced! He was hunted down by a crazy man, hid away in a cave , all along he was separated from the womN he loves and his family .... Yet David never lost his focus on God ! 
             I want to be just like that .... No matter the adversary I may face I still want to shout out to Jesus and know He is there and He loves me ... I want to call out to Him even when I don't feel strong enough ! I have found over the past few weeks my favorite time to read my Bible and pray is when I wake up in the middle of the night in pain.... Jesus calms my body much faster than another round of pain medicine.... 
        I know in my heart not being able to walk very far is temporary ... I know I have been healed by the Word of God, I'm just waiting for my change!!! Yet this time last year if someone would have told me I would be planning to attend a  Women of Joy Confrence in Pigioen Forge Tn. In a wheelchair I would have told them they were crazy. Yet my God knew, I heard an amazing speaker Kathrine Wolfe tell her story last year on stage in a wheel chair ! Her story inspired me beyond words, now more than ever.... That no matter what God wants to use you ! He wants you to work for Him !!! 
    I have said from the time I woke up I wasn't missing this trip! I know it's ment for me in more than one way ! I know my new me for now has to strike fear to the ones I will be with.... I don't want to be a burden at the same time I don't want to miss my blessing ! I know God has great and mighty plans for me !!! 
    So instead of concentrating on the negatives, I am finding the positives .... Lifting any concern I have in prayers to the Lord .... I know He I has already gone before me and he's got this !!! I'm don't really know for sure who all reads my blogs.... I kinda like it that way lol.... But I would like to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and reach out to someone who is different than you .... Remind them that just because they are different that You love them for who God has created them to be know matter what makes them different ... I have always taught my children to love everyone no matter who they were and to show kindness... Go out of your way to show them that despite of what they are facing they are still very much apart of the world they live in ... They just get to experience it in a different way than you ! I love my Jesus and I am thankful for every trial I have faced for its made who I am.... I want to be like David constantly calling on my Dad know matter what's going on in my life !!! I know He's just waiting for me to call out so He can remind me He's got it ....
Because God is not the Author of destruction ..., so He's not trying to destroy me!
God will repay evil done to me !
My hope must be in God !
No matter how bad things look, God is good !!!!!

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