Monday, January 26, 2015

Child of a King 👑

As a pastors wife you learn real quick you live in a glass house ! Expected to be perfect , in all you do especially your kids ! They actually learn real quick the part they are expected to play as well ! They see both the good and the bad side of church ! They see the hurt and the joys that come from serving !!!! As a pastors wife and a mom , one of your biggest fears is that your child has learned how to live as a Christian yet hasnt quite gotten it .... I had began questioning just that after our move .... My youngest daughter had been struggling and battling no other than a spiritual battle that would shake our family to its core !!!! So I decided to take my concerns to my heavenly Dad !!!! Left them with Him !!!! I never lost hope !!! It wasn't my place to judge ! Only she knew if her confession of salvation was real or not ! Crazy I know but that Mommy instinct just wouldn't go away !!! Sunday after church my hubby felt the need to walk over and join in with the youth service ! I was talking with some of the ladies , hadn't paid much attention of how much time had passed ... When they returned , they had awesome news !!!! My sweet girl asked Jesus in her heart for real !!! There was a difference this time in her face , eyes , and what she said !!! She told me the other times it was just a prayer , she had never truly trusted Jesus with anything really till last night !!! She felt different !!! She was beaming !!!! I'm so proud she can no truly say she is a child of the King !!!! My God sure is good !!! Never cease to storm the throne room over something in your heart !!! Even if it doesn't quite make sense !!!! Because our thoughts are near and dear to our sweet Lord !!!! 
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 
I'm glad she is still learning and I'm still teaching her !!! Blessings Shellie 💜


  1. Your entire family is amazing, and each of them have blessed and encouraged me! I'm so happy for Christian, she's such an amazing girl, I can't wait to see what God has in store for her!! I love you guys SO much!

  2. Aww thank you so very much !!!! I love you so very much ! Your family touches my heart and life in many ways !!! I am blessed to have you in our life !!!! I know God has got amazing plans for you guys !!!!
