Saturday, January 24, 2015

Trusting my Lord ❤️

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
I have spent a lot of time reflecting the past few days ! As I have enjoyed my blessed week ! January 21st is such a harsh day for my heart ... It marks the anniversary of my Mommaw going home & the birthday of the little boy we were going to adopt ... He is five now .... It has never bothered me as much as it did this year !!! Unfortunately it has been a wave of emotions this year ! We lost the adoption in the moms 8 month .... Nursery was ready , we were ready to bring him home .... I must remind myself Gods knows best ! We often plan our lives even when we knew God was in is agreeing to adopt! He changed the plan ! It's often rough on us when God changes up His plan ... As the years have passed I have realized why God changed the plan around... He seen things I could not ! But know now ....Thay reminds me to be strong and courages !!! Because He is always with me!!!! God is good even when He changes His mind ! He had my interest in mind ! He will never leave me or forsake me !!!! He knows the plans , I'm so willing to follow ! How about you !!!! Blessings 💜Shellie 

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