Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Giving Praise

My devotion this morning was such an amazing reminder ! It's was all about praise ! Better yet praising even when it's hard !!! It really made me reflect and ask some questions ! Such as do I praise him only when it's easy? Do I praise Him daily? Do my kids see and hear me praise Him ? I was quite surprised and pleased to realize I do much better than I thought ! However there is always room for improvement !!!! I looked over my prayer journal , asked my kids , and looked back at text messages  !!! I was so honored to hear and read responses from all areas that I had made them feel better at certain times in life ... Even in the hard times .... I was amazed at the change I seen from several years ago to now ! How much easier it was to thank and praise God even when it's hard too !!!! I guess I have realized that there is never a moment that should go with out praise ! You see I know the creator of the heavens and the earth ! He knew all that would be that day !!! If experienced heart ache and joy in this life !!! I thank my heavenly Dad for each part the sad and the happy ! Because each have helped me to see the big picture .... That all things work together for His glory ! It's apart of my story ! One day I hope my story changes someone's life ... It helps them to see it's possible !!! There is a rainbow at the end !!! I pray that my Praise is increases daily !!!!! I will sing praise I will lift my voice ! I will sing praise I have made my choice 💜 I hope your day is filled with praise and blessings !!! 💜 Shellie
will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
146 Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I will praise the Lord as long as I live;
    I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 146:1-2


  1. Thank you SO much for blogging each day! It makes me feel so much closer to you!! I miss you so very much, and am so greatful for you still inspiring me through the distances! I pray one day we will be close in distance again, but you have no idea how thankful I am that we are still close in heart. I love you my best friend.

  2. Your so welcome !!! I'm all little behind ! My wifi has been on the crazy side !!!! I miss you so much I love to read your blogs as well !!! Makes me feel closer and apart of your lives ... Even though we are miles apart ! I promise I pray daily we will be closed in distance as well !!! Until then I promise to always stay close in heart !!! I love you so very much !!! I thank God for my best friend daily !!!! I love you !!!
