Friday, March 25, 2016

A Rough Few Days ....

Wow is all I know to say .... This quote is on point it has been quite a few days in our home .... We celebrated our youngest daughter sweet sixteen birthday yesterday! It was anything but what we all had hoped for ! I am so glad we have a ball planned for her this summer !!! She hadn't been feeling well and we are pretty sure now she has had the flu .... Yesterday was her worst day yet! The night before my oldest comes home from work vomiting! So she still wasn't feeling well yesterday ! So if that wasn't enough I ran a high fever all day yesterday ! 
I truly feel like the waves are hitting the rocks.... Today is some better for both of my girls praise The Lord! For me however I have still not felt well at all ! I woke early with death gripping chest pains, then when I get up to go to the bathroom I find myself in major trouble with my breathing! This doesn't happen just one time today ... But multiple times warrenting me to use my rescue inhaler !!! On a happier not my voice is a lil stronger today showing signs that it may soon come back ! That makes me a very happy girl ! I know it will make my family happy as well !!!! It's hard to hear someone who is barely a whisper !!! Even with that ray of sunshine today has been extremely hard for me, I promised you guys to be honest about my journey ... So I will say today has been filled with waves of frustration that could only cured with help from my Dad (Jesus) ..... He reminded me to be thankful in everything even the bad days .... My sweet girl thought a change in scenery may help a little so she straightened up the apartment moved some stuff around ... Set a table up for next week to have tea... Something to look forward to.... I tried to find things to keep my busy on my chase that I normally don't do... So if you know me well, you know that I am a avid doll collector ! I have rarely met a doll I don't just adore lol... My sweet hubby surprised me with a new one the other day ! I was surprised and excited! So I spent sometime dressing babies on the chase .... Anything to keep my mind focused on something other than obvious challenges at hand! Then the Lord sent a sweet friend to visit .. That always brightens my day ! I had several text and phone calls ... Phone calls are hard on me and who ever is straining to hear my voice ... Talking for long periods leaves me breathless .... 
    Then my Jesus reminded of how special today is ! You see it's Friday He would take my sins upon Him and because of His grace !!!!! Whoooo Glory !!!! Sunday is coming ! Because of the empty Grave to prove my SAVIOR Lives ! I am saved by His grace and His promises are mine ! So my healing is coming .... I can continue to praise Him !!!! For He is worthy !!!! 
So I shall wake and take tomorrow as it comes ... Praying it for some more improvements.... Even if they don't come as I hope tomorrow, I will praise Him anyways !
I read this verse today in my quite time ... It's so fitting .... 
Isaiah 41:13 For I, the Lord your God,hold your right hand;it is I who say to you, “Fear not,I am the one who helps...
Ihave no reason to fear .... Thank you for stopping by and for your prayers ! 
            Here is a picture of my new baby my sweet hubby got me !!! Isn't she cute !


  1. She is PRECIOUS! What is her name? I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better. I love you so much!

  2. Thank you !!! Her name is Lillian Snow 💕 I love you the mostess

  3. Aww I like it! Especially since she pays homage to our favorite show in the whole wide world! :) Love you!

    1. I'm glad you liked it !!!! I love the fact you know how she got her middle name! You know me so well !!! I love you mostess !
