Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Good News

Good morning ! I am awake much earlier than my normal for me! It's okay thought I love the sound of the birds chirping happily outside my windows this morning ! Singing praises to my Lord! The sun is shining brightly today! That makes my days easier .... 
I am sorry for not posting yesterday ! My day was very busy and tiring ! So I had to put rest as a priority and not my blog lol. I wanted to share some very good news though !!!! 
We seen the ENT yesterday ! My vocal chords are not paralyzed! Praise The Lord ! After scoping me she has found some serious sighns of acid reflux ! The acid is reaching into my throat and I am not even aware.... It has caused some irritating effects to my tonsils and my larynx ! Good news of all of it is my voice will return ! She hopes soon ! She started me on a new medicine for the acid. She does want me to see a speech therapist ... They will call me with a consult appointment. This will be to strengthen the muscles I am sure ... I have a list of questions for them this morning ! God is so good !!! I'm still whispering today but knowing it will return makes my heart so happy !!! Children's ministry is such a huge part of my life ! I really can not imagine not being able to teach .... I can't wait to return ! 
I am still walking to the bathroom unassisted ! I still get very out of breath and require the use of a rescue inhaler... But today's goal is to make it to the sectional beside my chase and set for at least an hour and short distance walk even if I need my walker .... Main thing is to move around and try to build some strength up ! My chest pains have continued sadly even waking my up .... For now I will use the higher dosage of my pain meds at night so I can rest comfortable.... Today marks three weeks since my surgery .... I can look back and see Gods handprints all over this !!! He is so very good !!!! 
Christian resumed homeschooling yesterday ! So I am meeting goals and I find joy in each day even when it's hard at times .... 
Yesterday I was able to convince my sweet hubby to take me to Walmart to finish Christians Birthday shopping ! I rode in my wheelchair ! It has became a necessity to have, that I am much grateful for .... It was nice to get out but very overwhelming at the same time ... It was a very strong reminder not to take the daily gifts God gives us for granted.... Like the use of our legs to walk long distances and our lungs to breathe easily... I know he has a plan and I am thankful for my each day and my journey !!! He's good and worthy to be praised !!!! In all things !!!! I have a special prayer request ! Please help me pray ! I really would like to attend Easter worship services Sunday ! For the whole morning start to finish to get me back home would be 5 hours ..... I really want to do this ! Please pray I will feel up to it ! I don't mind missing the family dinners and functions ! I would love to celebrate my risen Savior in the house of the Lord on Resureaction Sunday !!!! God is able .... 
Thanks for sharing my journey with me ... I hope you can see Hods handy work through all of this ! I would like toe leave you with this verse of scripture today ! 

For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.Philemon 7 (ESV)

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