Saturday, March 19, 2016

Waiting .....

I know I am healed I am just waiting for my change .... These words I have echoed through my heart and mind for days now! Faith is believing in what we can not see! I trust my Jesus, He has no limitations! 
Last night was one of the worst nights I have had since I came home... Waking up at 3am with death gripping chest pains gasping for air is scary enough with out it lasting till late morning. All of that is from pericarditis. I was so excited I had been trying to back off my pain medication ... Yet I am thankful for it because even though I have had to go back up to the ordinal dose God created it so I don't have to suffer! For that I am most thankful! So today has been about positive thoughts and resting.... That is totally okay.... The sunshine outside maybe hidden but the Son in my heart shines bright enough to keep my heart light and happy.... My sweet daughters take shifts helping their Daddy out so he could return to work! I am so blessed with such amazing girls! My youngest Christian is my nurse today! She is so kind and amazing .... She goes far and beyond her teenage years....She is so compassionate and loving... She makes sure my every need is met and more.... 
We are a homeschool family and I am very proud of that. I see all the years of teaching them to be kind compassionate towards others needs through years shine very bright in all they do and all they encounter. It's makes my heart so blessed for the years investing in them at home... Time goes by way to quickly... The years of memories being made are worth every sacrifice to make it happen. 
So today I will enjoy the memories made sharing favorite classic movies with my sweet girl.... Maybe try to squeeze in some writing in between naps lol.... After not sleeping last night I am finding it very hard to stay awake today! However my sweet hubby would say that's an answered prayer.... Because before he left for work this morning he laid beside me on the chase, wrapped his arms around me and prayed for me .... Part of his prayer was rest... So I will be thankful for God answered prayers.... I hope your enjoying your Saturday with your families making memories to last a lifetime. Even in the smallest ways ! Thanks for stopping by and your prayers! I will close today with this promise from a Gods word! 
 - And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. James 5:15


  1. It does my Mommy heart good to hear that you are seeing the benefits of all the years of pouring into your girls! From the first time I met Amber, before I met you guys even (she came with Ashley when I did her bridal pics! Awhile before we even met you and Jody!) I knew there was something different about her than most girls her age. I bragged about her to my Mom and told her that it was so good to meet a home schooled girl and that she was so amazing, I remember saying that I wanted my girl to be like that. You have raised good girls, and its awesome that you can see things like that when most people would be sitting around complaining :) You have a wonderful, beautiful heart and testimony, and you are so so strong. I love you! Praying for a restful night tonight.. and pain meds aren't a bad thing... even if they did make me a little loopy, haha. Ask Lacey about Rock n Roll McDonalds when she comes up... it'll make a good laugh haha! Love you!

  2. Awww ! Thank you so very much Stacy ! All the beautiful things you are sharing about my girls ! I see in your kids !!!! Homeschooling all these years have been so worth it ! I always wanted my girls to set themselves apart in a good way even when I am not around ! Makes my Mommy heart so proud of them! When I am with your sweet kids especially your beautiful girls I see those same qualities in them !!! They stand apart! Your an amazing Mommy! Thank you for praying last night was much better ! Your right pain meds aren't bad ... I have just been on them longer than I would like to be .... Lil while longer is definitely going to be okay ! They make loopy as well I guess that can be a good thing right now ! At least it keeps my mood light lol! I can't wait to hear about Rock n Roll Mc Donald's !!!! I love you and miss you so much
