Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter !

   Today I celebrate a risen Saviour ! Because He lives, I am now saved by grace! I am the child of a King! Who will one day spend eternity with her Dad !!! Ohh my now that is something to shout about!!!! What a difference three days can make ! 
This has been okay weekend ... Yesterday I was able to set up in the wheelchair for about 4 1/2 hours! It was only suppose to be 2 however I wa coloring and time got away with me lol.... I still can not take more than about 12 steps and I am left gasping for air .... So in order to get a long distance the wheel chair is a necessity and a blessing, being I can only have my rescue inhaler 3 times a day! It felt good to be up off the chase ... Can't lie it left me tired exhausted and very swollen .... But it was worth it....
       Today has been filled with blessings ! I had made my mind up earlier in the week that I wanted to be at church this morning even if it ment being in a wheelchair !!!! Guess what I made it! God allowed me to be able to style my hair curly last night !!thats a big deal right now ! I'm not suppose to inhale my type of chemicals !!! My lungs are very fragile right now... By being able to stile it curly it ment less fuss this morning ! So I set my clock for 7am got up and set in a chair got dressed... By 9:15 we had made it to church ! I can not explain the excitement that swept over me when we pulled into the parking lot! It was so good to be in fellowship with my church family, to see all my lil people, worship my Jesus, and here Gods word preached! It was the medicine my soul needed!!!! 
 I praise my Jesus for giving me the strength to do it ! Because I want to honest physically it was very challenging! In more than one way !!! 
       Because I felt it was important to be in church this morning, we let our families know we wouldn't be attending family meals this year! I missed them but boy was I glad I did ! I was completely and totally wiped out after church! I have a lot of swelling after church .... So we swung through Bojangles drive through for some quick lunch came home changed into some pjs ate ant took a 3 hour nap lol and to honest I could have slept longer ! But it was all worth it... I know JESUS is pleased with my love for Him! With all that has gone on the past 27 days, it's a reminder never take any day for granted at all, wether your day turned out nothing like you hoped or it was more than you dreamed, it's a gift God gave just to you! Find the joy in that gift even if it not what you hoped for ! He makes no mistakes ! He's got this ... He will give beauty for my ashes, He will get glory, and I know He will restore my health!  It's just gonna take His timing ..... 
     My family is missing several loved ones at dinners this year ... Jesus called them to be with them... I miss them as well but this has been a reminder my family could be missing me like that ... But they aren't ... Things may not be perfect but Because of God they are good non the less because He makes no mistakes.... I am blessed to be here with my family and serve my Lord ! 
I look forward to next week, I don't know what it will hold but no matter what I know my Jesus will walk each and every step of it with me !!!! I pray that each of you have had a blessed Easter ! Celebrating a risen Saviour !!! Who's love paid the ultimate price for someone who could never be worthy ... He said, I am His and to Him I was worth it ... I know I can never ever repay Him ! But I do know I will spend a lifetime praising Him ! My Jesus, My Reedmer 💜
I want to leave you with this scripture 

He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew 28:6 

I am glad to know the tomb is empty! He conquered death, hell, and the grave! 
Thanks for stopping by Hope it's been a blessing to you in some way !!!! Happy Easter! 


  1. I LOVE you and I"m SO glad you got to go to church! I thought about you all weekend and prayed for you! I'm so glad that it went well!!! I'm going to keep in touch with you this week and hopefully we will get to visit and enjoy service next Sunday! I don't want to hang out long because you need to REST and I know you are hard headed (like me!) about resting lol! What Mama isn't, but I do hope we get to see you and at least spend a few minutes with you. I love you so much, and I'm so glad you are sharing your journey! It was nice to sit down and catch up!!!

  2. I was so excited to get to go ! Thank you for your prayers !!! They were much needed and appreciated !!! As nice as it was it wore me slap out ! I hate your not planning to stay ! But I do understand ! I'm gad your coming to church though !!!! We are super excited about Lacey coming ! I love you enough so very much ! I'm so glad you stopped by !!! Love you. Mostess
