Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Taking a break !

Wow ! Sorry I missed a day and I'm so late posting !!!! The past two days have not been my best .... Yesterday was not good all day and left me nauseous from pain ... Woke up even today ! I have started running a fever again and to take a breathe causes excruciating pain .... So I will be going back to the doctor tomorrow ! 
    However last night I woke up several times and so I took that time to talk to my Jesus !!! During our talks, He revealed somethings to me ... Some was not easy to swallow ... Like how much time I spent on social media ... When I could be spending that time with Him... So I decided today to take a 21day social media fast ... Then I will go from there.... I have spent the time today I would have spent on social media reading a book! I loved every minute of it! Then I this evening I spent some time in Gods word and writing in my prayer journal ... I was so pleased with how much time I spent with the Lord today! I am super excited about how much I can grow and come to know my Jesus more! 
   He even reminded me myself worth is not found in my circumstance or others .... His change for me is coming I just have to trust Him! I won't lie my feelings had gotten kinda hurt some of the one I thought would keep in touch with me through all of this I haven't heard a word from.... Jesus reminded me that some people are only ment for a season.... Quit trying to keep what He has already closed the door on ... So I released those people to Him ....I love when the Lord already starts to heal ... What I feel is broken .... 
   My God is so amazing and so worthy of all my praise ! 
Well guys , my medicine is starting to kick in so , it is time to take of me and go to bed ! Thanks for stopping by ! I hope you all sleep well tonight and have a blessed day tomorrow !!!! 


  1. Of course I understand the social media break... But I also get the other as well. It's hard to feel that somebody who you think is so close really isn't. I've felt so so lonely since the move because so many people who claimed to be my friend just hasn't even talked to me. It hurts a lot and makes me question whether they ever really cared or of our friendship was based on convenience. Anyhow I am thankful for the people God has put in my life and those who stay no matter what we go through. That's what really matters is those who go forward with us. I love you so so much and I am praying you feel better :( it breaks my heart you are having such a hard time!!!

    1. It breaks my heart to hear you feel lonely !!! I know that feeling all to well ... Especially when we first moved back .... God has sent some wonderful friends in time ... Your right though it's the ones who said they would be your friend no matter what... But didn't ... I'm so glad you have always been there !!! I am so blessed to call you friend !!! God got my healing it is just in His time ! I am just waiting ! I love you

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