Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Setting Goals

Good Morning! Have the most beautiful view of the sunshine from my chase this morning !!!! I love to gaze upon Gods creation. Spring is surely in full swing here. I can see the new buds on the trees and the daffodils and dandelions springing up! It reminds that with God everything is renewed! Today is day 15 after my surgery.... I have not made major improvement and it's okay ! Because Gods Already got this! I do however have a lil exciting news !!!! I was able to stand with complete weight on me knee this morning! The first time since December !!! So praise the Lord it's healing ! I know it's gonna be as good as new soon! I have decided this morning to set some small term goals. For some goals are intimidating. For many reasons, what if I can't reach them, or I set them to high. So I have done promised myself that they must realistic and it's okay if it takes longer. Because God will bring it all full circle in His timing. So I would like to share my first 5 goals with you ! 
1- spend the first part of my morning with Jesus as I tried to keep priority ! 
2- continue our homeschool year even though I will have to change many things ! That's okay though that's one of the many joys of being a homeschool family. I make it work for us.
3- when the dr says it's okay make a goal in the apartment to walk to each day. With or with out my walker. So I can strengthen my legs and lungs. I know this will be very short distance at first. However I know I must start somewhere! So I can move back into my house lol
4- share my journey I want others to see what my Jesus can do !
5- Do something daily that makes me smile
I know these may seem like no big deal, but I promise each of these are a huge deal right this moment! 

In my devotion time this I was reminded of this verse:

Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.2 Corinthians 13:11King James Version (KJV)

I love it ! Reminds His love and peace covers all!!! Praying each of you have an amazing day!

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